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Investment Clubs


Members decide as a group how to invest money that is pooled in the Investment Club Bank account. This account is funded by monthly contributions by members.

 Investment Clubs are an excellent way to ease your way into investing and gain invaluable educational experience that will last a lifetime.


Being a member of a club has many benefits:


  • How to choose a stock​

  • Learn why dividends and dividend reinvestment matter

  • When do you buy and sell

  • What is diversification and how do you achieve it

  • The ability to have investment decisions analyzed from different points of view 

  • Input and research spread among a number of people can lead to a great learning experience as each member will offer a different perspective

  • Investment clubs can yield excellent returns on investments year after year and create  a nest egg

  • Often a group of people who do not know each other can find friendship as they increase their investing knowledge


A few things to consider:

  • Investment Clubs are listed as partnerships by CRA 

  • Choosing a bank

  • Tax implications

  • Bylaws

  • Record keeping, share value per person  

  • Language of investing - just what do those terms mean

  • Funding an account, buying, selling, tracking your money

  • Structure and guidelines setup and maintained for recording your progress

  • Bank and investment club statements

  • Be aware of fraudulent claims and/or promotions (e.g. penny stocks - did every stock start trading as a penny stock?)

  • Research information and newsletters; how do you know what is reliable and written in terms you will understand


An investment club is basically like a mutual fund and each member of your club will have shares (or units) based on the amount of money they have contributed. It is an enjoyable way to learn and can improve your investing skills for your personal investing accounts. 

No security recommendations will be made by Arnason Investor Education. The objective is to teach participants the basics of investing with an advisor or in self directed accounts.

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